Monday, September 16, 2013

Why silver linings?

One day, quite recently, a friend came to lunch at Panera with a huge grin on her face. She said, "I'm putting my life story on a blog now!" She immediately inspired me and got my wheels turning.

I have a boatload of photographs from my childhood. And other old photos of my family members who have gone on before me. I often look at these old photos, and emotions and thoughts and memories start to bubble up from the archives in my soul.

Most of them aren't profound. But, I have found that looking back, reflecting on, and uncovering "what was" (whatever it was), is very healing. It is a great starting point to understanding "what is".

Me, age 3 and Dutchess
I look back and not everything is peachy. There is the good and the not so good. But, all of it makes up my life and my history. And, through it all, God has had His hand on me. His goodness, love and protection is that silver lining that draws my attention upward. Up to grace. Up to healing. Up to goodness.

I'm looking forward to digging into that pile of photos I have. I hope you'll join me in exploring that silver lining.

We each have one.

I hope you will be inspired to start seeing the silver lining  in your own life.

You can read more of my thinking behind this blog up above under the "my story" tab. Thanks so much for stopping by!

P.S. My friend's life story blog is:Footprints of My Life.

P.P.S. My other blog: A Ready Listener, is where I pause to see God's beauty in the every day.

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