Tuesday, February 4, 2014

When you just want to be like them

I so wanted to be like them. I looked up to them.

They were older. 

They were pretty.

My cousins Angie and Lori.

We played together in their toy room
 and I took many a reluctant nap in their house. 

We had overnights.

We sang in Christmas Programs at church.

I'm sure we played Barbies.

They had bunny rabbits in a cage on the back of their garage.

They also had long stocking caps with pompoms on the tip.

I wanted one like theirs, I remember.

Why is it that we always want what we don't have?
I was so young, 3 and a half, and I coveted their stocking caps with pom poms!

Then, I finally got one of my own.
I don't remember begging my mom and dad for one.
But, maybe I did.

Somehow, this long stocking cap with fringe made me feel like them.
It made me feel older.
It made me feel pretty.

Having a long stocking cap with fringe made the cold Nebraska wintertime a lot more fun.


How about you? Do you have a story of something you really wanted as a child, and then received?

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